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Tiny Epic Dungeons Unboxing Cover

When I stopped by for the mail on Tuesday evening I found a small, nondescript package in the mail box. It was not immediately clear what it was, but as I was aware that Gamelyn Games had received their shipment of Tiny Epic Dungeons and were in the process of sending them out to backers, I had an inkling of what migh be in this mailing pouch.

Nondescript Package in my Mail

 I'm going to get to this without a bunch of fanfare as I assume that if you are looking at this, you want to know "what's in the box??" so here we go! First of all, this is the cover of the core box, this is the Deluxe Version which means that it includes the Potions & Perils mini-expansion which I'll show in more detail here as well.

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Here is everything that you will see upon opening the box.

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The first set of cards are large, linen finish cards for the Boss Mats, Hero Mats and the Torch Mat.

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Next up the smaller cards in the box. Dungeon cards, Loot cards, Spell cards, Goblin cards, and Minion cards, 

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Dungeon cards

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Loot cards

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Spell cards

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Goblin cards

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Minion cards

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The game also has various tokens to represent the bad guys (screen printed) and other various things and some really nice custom dice.

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Last and certainly not least are the miniatures. This is the first Tiny Epic game to include miniatures in lieu of some sort of meepls and I think that they are great. They are a bit smaller than most D&D or the tabletop wargaming scale of 28mm to 32mm so I have included a side by side comparison with one of the expansion miniatures and a Warhammer 40k Space Wolf Marine.

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Closeup for more detail.

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And that's it for the core game. The mini-expansion, Potions & Perils, is included in the Deluxe version of the game but can usually be picked up after market through the Board Game Geek Store and likely some other online sources. Here's what that includes.

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Lastly, there is the Stories expansion. It adds a new Story element into the game that makes the adventure more focused on specific goals. Here's the box.

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And what's inside.

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Adventurer's Storybook

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Boss Mats and Hero Mats.

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Small cards. Dungeon cards, Loot cards, Goblin cards, Minion cards, and the new Story cards

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Story Cards

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Tokens for the expansion content.

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And finally, there are eight more hero miniatures.

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And that's everything in the Tiny Epic Dungeons Deluxe Edition and Stories expansion. I hope that you enjoyed seeing all of this cool content. Everything in the boxes is high quality as per usual with Gamelyn Games and I hope that they have once again packed a great, epic game in their trademark tiny box!

Stefan Yates

stefan yates

Stefan Yates is a professional in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at Kansas State University. Finding ways to work gaming into work, he serves on the university’s Alternate Reality Game Committee and is a co-Faculty Advisor for the Board Game Club. He is also a PhD student whose field of research is Gamification in Student Programming. He enjoys playing (and mostly losing) almost any type of game and likes to work in multiple game sessions per week whenever possible. An avid solo gamer with an additional interest in tabletop miniatures games, the stay-at-home orders of the pandemic were not particularly concerning as there was always painting to do and terrain to build. Stefan is also a book and movie collector and a huge football fan (go CHIEFS!)